Comprehensive Analysis: The Dynamic Dota 2 Roster Shuffle Post-TI12 and the Evolving Competitive Landscape

Dota 2

The shifting sands of the Dota 2 professional scene post-The International 2023 (TI12) are stirring up an exciting mix of old reliables and fresh blood, as teams around the globe tweak their rosters in preparation for the next competitive season. This time of year is ripe with strategies, as teams review their performances, scout for talent, and make the critical decisions that could either make or break their upcoming season. Here’s the scoop on the most notable team transformations and what to expect from the new faces and the old guard of the Dota 2 competitive scene.


Gaimin Gladiators, having etched their name in the Dota 2 history books with a sterling performance last season, are choosing stability over change. Their runner-up finish at TI12 and a stellar run through the Major circuit attest to a formula they’re not willing to tamper with. Seleri, their captain, recently took to Twitter to affirm his trust in the squad’s continued dominance. Here’s the lineup standing strong:

  • Carry (Position 1): dyrachyo (confirmed)
  • Midlaner (Position 2): Quinn (confirmed)
  • Offlaner (Position 3): Ace (confirmed)
  • Support (Position 4): tOfu (confirmed)
  • Hard Support (Position 5): Seleri (confirmed)


The champions of last year, Tundra Esports, had their sails winded at TI12. With Nine stepping down, there’s room for innovation, and whispers of Topson transitioning to the offlane role are circulating. Could the Finnish phenom bring his unique flair to this new role? Meanwhile, seasoned pros Cr1t and Fly are rumored to be in talks for the support slots, which could herald a significant shift in team dynamics.

  • Carry (Position 1): skiter (confirmed)
  • Midlaner (Position 2): Topson (rumored to switch to Position 3)
  • Offlaner (Position 3): 33 (to be confirmed)
  • Support (Position 4): Cr1t (rumored)
  • Hard Support (Position 5): Sneyking (confirmed)
Team Spirit


Nouns are hitting the reset button. Despite a Cinderella run at TI12, the organization has decided to dismantle their Dota 2 division. As fans bid farewell to the previous roster, the team is now scouring the scene for talent to take up the Nouns banner and make their mark.


LGD Gaming, a titan of the Chinese Dota 2 arena, secured a respectable third at TI12. The buzz now revolves around Ame, whose return from a hiatus could galvanize the team’s prowess for the upcoming skirmishes.

  • Carry (Position 1): shiro (possibility of Ame’s return)
  • Midlaner (Position 2): NothingToSay
  • Offlaner (Position 3): niu
  • Support (Position 4): planet
  • Hard Support (Position 5): y`


Team Liquid is engaging in a significant shuffle, aiming to remedy the shortcomings of their previous campaign. With Boxi and zai taking sabbaticals, the introduction of 33 as the new offlane could inject a much-needed fresh strategic angle to the team’s playstyle.

  • Carry (Position 1): miCKe (confirmed)
  • Midlaner (Position 2): Nisha (confirmed)
  • Hard Support (Position 5): Insania (confirmed)


The current champions of TI, Team Spirit, have chosen continuity, a testament to their belief in the roster that has already proven its worth on the world stage. With no changes reported, the team appears primed for another dominant season.

  • Carry (Position 1): Yatoro
  • Midlaner (Position 2): Larl
  • Offlaner (Position 3): Collapse
  • Support (Position 4): Mira
  • Hard Support (Position 5): Miposhka


Talon, a team that turned heads at TI12, especially with their upset against the Gaimin Gladiators, faces a pivotal moment. Key players are being scouted by a burgeoning SEA organization, with Gabbi’s stream hinting at the change. Mikoto, despite considering time off, is weighing up his options amidst a flurry of offers. Talon is poised to unveil a refreshed lineup for the upcoming season’s challenges.

The upcoming Dota 2 2023-24 season is shaping up as a rollercoaster ride, with established teams tweaking their edges while others undergo complete metamorphoses. The transfer window is still agape, with the community keenly watching for official announcements. The landscape is yet to fully settle, and we can only speculate on the new stratagems, combinations, and surprises that await. Stay vigilant for updates, and keep an eye out for emerging teams like Team Tickles, Team OG, Falcons, Heroic, and a new SEA squad in the wings, as the Dota 2 saga continues to unfold.

General Sport Observer Marc Defaou
reviewed by: Marc Defaou (Sport Expert)

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