As the dust settles on the initial clashes at The International 12, the Dota 2 community reels from the unexpected early departure of four teams. This prestigious event, known for both its...
In the world of eSports, few events capture global attention quite like the League of Legends World Championships. As we approach the climax of this year’s season, the Play-In stage for Worlds...
In the dynamic and ever-evolving realm of esports, partnerships and collaborations are nothing new. However, when the British Esports Association announced its collaboration with the Saudi Esports Federation, the esports world sat...
As esports enthusiasts around the globe eagerly await the next big event, IEM Sydney 2023 stands out as a landmark moment in the Counter-Strike saga. Not just another championship, this event marks...
Fresh on the heels of CEOtaku 2023, the excitement hasn’t dimmed as the fighting game community gears up for another grand spectacle – REV Major 2023! Slated for September 30th to October...
DreamLeague’s 21st season came to a riveting conclusion on September 24, marking a new high for the series this year. With the international esports community tuned in, 12 top Dota 2 teams...
The world of esports was ablaze from September 9 to September 18 as the Overwatch League 2023 Play-Ins unfolded. While it served as a gateway to the grander Overwatch League 2023 Playoffs,...
The World Series of Warzone (WSOW) 2023 Global Finals set new standards this year, not only in terms of prize pool but also viewership. The tournament concluded in London on September 16...